Farmers Market Musings - Graduation Weekend in Chico, California!

It is graduation weekend and our small little town floods with families and friends from all over the country (and lets be honest, probably world!) to gather and celebrate their loved ones graduating from Chico State University. It is wild to think that I graduated with my degree nearly a decade ago. Would I ever guess that a decade after graduation that I would be selling my art at our local farmers market? No. But I am... and am I proud of it? HELL YES, I am.

It is the sweetest thing in the world to come in contact with my community week after week - hearing the stories of you gifting your jewelry to your friends, JUST MAKES MY HEART SO HAPPY. Like... to have a friend who sees jewelry and thinks, my friend would love this art I'm going to get it for them. Ya'll, I even had a couple stop by and they were shopping FOR THEIR FAVORITE SERVER at a local restaurant. 

It is NOT lost on me that you choose to stop and share your energy with me - that you choose to exchange the money you've earned for my art. That you choose to support ME and my dream of being an artist for a living. 

Sweet friends stopping to say hello means the world to me!

Katy has been showing up at the farmer's market since we reconnected just to say hi and see what I'm up to. I am so grateful to see her sunshine every time she rounds the corner! 

I got to see my friend Jess who moved back to Sweeden and squeeze her! What a treat, I didn't know I would get to see her while she was here! 

Mom stopped by & brought me a little lemon cookie and a cupcake she & grandma made for a get together they went to. Lucky me! Dad text "I want a picture today - your mom looks so cute and I want to see your smiling face!" How did this girl get so lucky...? Mom literally came all the way back to me to take a photo with me to send to dad! 

So, long story short - when I was in Mexico photographing Sand and Strings Music Festival I saw a water bottle with a bunch of Chico, CA stickers on it... so naturally, I had to introduce myself. What a small world. we're 2k miles away from home and live within 1 block of one another (well, at one point anyway!) It is SO fun getting to see her while in our home town - today she stopped and found a ring that went home with her & then sent the sweetest text : " I keep staring at my hand because I love my ring so much"

And I can't even count on my two hands the number of sweet new market friends that stop to say hi each Saturday. I am BEYOND grateful for you stopping by to say hi, to share your jewelry stories & kind words. 

THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME - Living life in color, with turquoise glasses, makes everything a little sweeter! 

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